
Build-start for Boson Energy gasifier in Stadtwerke Göttingen’s next-gen bio-heat centre

Boson Energy gasification systems will be part of Stadtwerke Göttingen’s new 9 MW and €15 million bio-heat centre. The centre will upgrade the existing combined heat and power capacity. It will supply green heat to customers of Stadtwerke Göttingen with a view to also supply district cooling in the future. Göttingen is one of the ‘green cities’ of Germany and home to Hawk University of Applied Sciences and Art and its renowned biomass competence centre.

The value of the Boson Energy part of the project is €6 million. The project aims to demonstrate commercial performance of the H3TAG biomass gasification technology developed in cooperation with Swedish KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The capacity of the Boson Energy system will be 1MWe power and 1.5 MWth of heat. The power produced corresponds to the electricity consumption of about 2000 German households. 

Its gasifier will run on regionally sourced wood chips and wood waste from local businesses. The combined output from the gasifier and boiler unit will increase the Stadtwerke Göttingen biogenic heat generation from 30 to 65%. 

​Jan Grimbrandt, CEO Boson Energy, said, “Receiving a BImSchG [environmental permit] to operate in the city centre of Göttingen proves that [our] clean technology is a true ‘in my back yard’ solution. It shows the strength of our model to use local biomass and waste to produce sustainable power, heat and thermal cooling for direct local use in demanding urban environments.”

Other lead partners in the project are Stadtwerke Göttingen and global bio-heat leader Viessmann. Key participants include Boson Energy reactor manufacturing partner SAB Stahl- und Anlagebau in Luxembourg and Hawk University of Applied Sciences and Art in Göttingen.

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