
Briquetting solutions

In the US, RUF Briquetting Systems helped a Pennsylvania company to utilise wood waste and sawdust, creating a new revenue stream.

As prices for petroleum and other traditional fuel sources fluctuate, many businesses in the US are turning to wood briquettes as an energy alternative. Carbon neutral and easy to use, briquettes have gained popularity and businesses are now briquetting waste to satiate the growing demand. Bio-Diversity in Pennsylvania was one such company. It saw the need for an eco-friendly energy alternative to petroleum. RUF helped Bio-Diversity to leverage a RUF Briquetting System to turn wood waste into profit. Here’s how.

The challenge

Bio-Diversity, located in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, is an eco-conscious pellet and briquette manufacturer. To provide a sustainable alternative to petroleum for homeowners, the company decided to sell pellets and briquettes made from quality wood waste and sawdust, a by-product of woodworking and wood manufacturing plants.

Turning waste into profit

In 2012, Bio-Diversity acquired a facility...

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