
Biomethane risks and opportunities for new investors

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Timothé Husser, manager at Blunomy, delves into biomethane investment risks, opportunities and models.
Blunomy provides strategic consulting services, with a large part of its work in the industrial sector. It started to work on renewable gas more than 12 years ago.
Husser is in charge of Blumony’s renewable gas activity, and spends all of his time with players in the renewable gas value chain, including a lot of pioneer producers and their investors, as well as industry associations and gas consumers.
Bioenergy Insight asked why biomethane is increasingly attracted large investors, as well as multi-national energy players.
“It’s quite hard to generalise, because the value chain is fragmented, and the situation differs a lot across regions. There are many investors with different profiles.”
Over the last few years, there has been strong momentum in the biomethane sector, he continued. Many large energy players, as well as oil and gas players, logistics companies and waste and water companies have taken strong positions.
“This contributes to a virtuous cycle, where it builds confidence in the industry, and increases...

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