
Biomethane auction in Germany fails to attract any bids

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The Federal German Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) announced that no bids were received in a recent auction for biomethane installations, in an auction held on 1 September.
The "innovation auction", on the other hand, was "significantly oversubscribed". Bids in the innovation auction are only accepted if they represent combinations of wind farms or solar installations with facilities that have secured generation.
"Following two weak auctions, the innovation auctions have regained momentum. The fact that this auction was nearly twice oversubscribed shows what kind of a dynamic renewables can have. The aim now is to maintain the current level of project development," said Klaus Müller, president of the Bundesnetzagentur.
The biomethane installation auction had a volume of 8 MW.
According to the Biogas Council, the legal framework in Germany prevents, rather than enables, investment in new biomethane combined heat and power projects.
The Energate Messenger quoted Janet Hochi, managing director of the Biogas Council, as stating: "We therefore appeal to the members of the German parliament to act without further delay and to work towards a fundamental change in the EEG tender conditions for electricity generation from biomethane.

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