
Biomass plant goes ahead in Yorkshire

Gameslack Farm, Wetwang, UK, is to be home to a new biomass plant after having been given the green light.

Despite huge opposition from local residents, East Riding planning councillors granted permission for the project to go ahead.

The plant, which was voted nine to six in favour by the councillors, will burn mostly straw for the generation of 12MW power.

Coun Paul Robinson, support leader (Howdenshire, Conservative), said: ‘When we look a this application I can't find the same objections – the road network is good, it’s in the centre of a good catchment area for many materials and for the most part it will be hidden.’

The are concerns, however, over how energy efficient the plant really is and if there is enough straw to supply the capacity. Straw sourced from the local area will make up 70% of the total feedstock used, while 30% will come from other resources such as wood chips, short rotation coppice and miscanthus.

But not everyone agrees with these figures following the closure of a pellet plant in Goole due to the lack of straw available.

According to East Yorkshire Power, the facility will provide the UK with another renewable energy source. 10 full-time jobs will also be created as well as another 40 in logistics and bringing in the feedstock.

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