
Biomass plant approved in Northern Ireland

A poultry waste-to-biopower plant looks set for Northern Ireland, following environmental minister Edwin Poots’ announcement that he intends to approve the project.

The facility has been developed and proposed by Rose Energy for Glenary in the county of Antrim and will generate 30MW of power from poultry bedding, meat and bone meal.

Commenting on his decision to approve the plant, Poots explained that the significant investment would stimulate the local economy and bring with it a number of advantages. In addition to the increased number of jobs that would be created, the project would support local agricultural businesses and produce green energy. Around 30 permanent positions will be created, alongside the 300 to 400 construction jobs.

However, despite these advantages, over 12,000 members of the local community responded to the plans, 6,733 of which voted against the facility being built. 6,342 were in favour of the plant.

'I am fully aware of both opposition and support for the power plant and that I have a judgement to make between the benefits of the proposal to the poultry industry and the Northern Ireland economy and the potential adverse impacts on residential amenity and the landscape setting,’ commented Poots. ‘Having given the proposal careful consideration, including visiting the site and viewing it from Lough Neagh, I am satisfied that on balance it should be approved.’

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