
Biomass-for-biofuels projects not affecting ILUC issues

Two pilot projects have shown promising signs for biomass production that avoids indirect land use change (ILUC) via the relatively new Low Indirect Impact Biofuels (LIIB) methodology.

Initial LIIB studies performed by sustainable energy consultancy Ecofys, which aims to supply eventual certification for biomass production which does not lead to ILUC, have taken place in the Ukraine and Tanzania.

The Ukrainian project centres on growing switchgrass and an Ecofys report states the country has ‘large potential for low ILUC biofuel production risk’ on abandoned, yet fallow, farmland.

Three jatropha projects in Tanzania have also been reported as being ‘low ILUC risk’ particularly if ‘calculations ensure that the freed-up land for jatropha cultivation is compensated by a maize yield increase so it remains constant or is even increased’.

Ecofys hopes these early results will help develop the required certification needed to show both projects do not have ILUC impact.

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