
Biogas – the answer to CO2 supply issues?

UK-based BioCarbonics is working with anaerobic digestion and biogas facilities to produce green CO2 for customers in the food and beverage sector.

Creating a network of CO2 supply sources from biogas plants could be the answer to preventing future shortages, according to UK-based BioCarbonics.

Established in June 2018, BioCarbonics works with AD operators/biogas producers to help them recover and monetise their waste CO2, providing a dedicated channel to market for biogenic ‘green’ CO2 from renewable energy sources.

BioCarbonics contracts with AD and biogas sites under a long-term agreement to purchase all of the CO2 they recover and support them in their decisions around CO2 recovery technology selection, vendor selection, production management and quality control to ensure that the liquid CO2 produced meets market requirements for food and beverage-grade CO2.

The company invests in the analytical equipment to certify the quality of the final product, the distribution assets required to take the product to market and manages all of the marketing and sales of the final product.

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