
Biogas conference to take a “Deep Dive into Scotland’s Net Zero Ambition”

The Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association (ADBA) has announced that Emma Harper MSP, Co-Convener, Cross-Party Group on Rural Affairs, Scottish National Party (SNP), will be speaking at the ADBA Scottish Conference on Tuesday 19 September alongside Maurice Golden MSP and Sarah Boyack MSP.
Maurice Golden MSP, Convener, Cross-Party Group on Circular Economy, the Scottish Parliament, and Sarah Boyack, Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Transport and the Just Transition, Scottish Labour Party, will provide the opening and closing keynote addresses respectively at next week’s ADBA Scottish Conference 2023, which will be held at Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh.
The ADBA-organised conference will be chaired by former Energy and Climate Change Secretary Chris Huhne, now chair of ADBA.
Entitled "Deep Dive into Scotland's Net Zero Ambition", the full-day event will explore the contribution anaerobic digestion (AD) and biogas can make towards achieving Scotland’s decarbonisation plans across the energy, transport, agriculture and food & drink sectors whilst supporting the development of a circular economy and zero food waste in Scotland.
It will also discuss how to finance the scaling up of AD and biogas technology in the country.
“ADBA represents a sector which adds so much value to the global efforts to meet net zero targets,” said Maurice Golden MSP ahead of the event.
“So much has already been achieved but there are bigger challenges ahead and further deployment of AD and biogas will be required. In addition to contributing to meeting our net zero targets, the sector provides a host of economic opportunities which must be realised.”

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