
B2B renewable energy supplier Haven Power changes name to Drax

B2B renewable energy supplier Haven Power, part of Drax Group, is changing its name to Drax.

Haven Power was acquired by Drax Group in 2009 and supplies more than 20,000 large industrial and commercial customers with over 12 TWh of renewable-sourced electricity annually – equivalent to the annual power use of more than 3 million homes.

With the rebrand, Drax aims to partner with its business customers to support them in achieving their sustainability goals, delivering innovative solutions which help them optimise their energy use, reduce carbon emissions, and minimise costs.

The name change follows the launch of Drax Electric Vehicles and Drax Electric Assets, which help businesses take control of their energy use through the electrification of their fleets and the optimisation of their operations.

“Drax has an impressive track record in sustainability,” said Paul Sheffield, managing director of Drax’s supply businesses, “we’ve reduced Drax Group’s carbon footprint by more than 90% in less than a decade.

“By more closely aligning our supply business to Drax, we can better support businesses and organisations with their net-zero ambitions using Drax’s scale, knowledge, and expertise in decarbonisation. It also demonstrates our commitment to enabling a zero-carbon, lower-cost energy future for our customers.”

Drax plans to deploy vital negative emissions technology, bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), at its power station in North Yorkshire. This will permanently remove 8 million tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere annually by 2030.

With the creation of a voluntary carbon market, business customers could purchase the permanent and verifiable negative emissions from Drax, helping hard-to-decarbonise industries offset their emissions. This supports efforts to decarbonise the UK’s economy, protects jobs and demonstrate climate leadership.

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