
AEG awarded Canadian patent for CoalSwitch process

Active Energy Group has been awarded a ‘Notice of Allowance’ for the Canadian patent for its CoalSwitch process and the beneficiation of biomass.

The Notice of Allowance will ensure AEG, based in London, holds the legal rights to exclude any other Canadian company from producing, selling, or using the claimed CoalSwitch process for 17 years after the date of issuance.

AEG’s new patent combines with the US patents already received in 2020 for its CoalSwitch and PeatSwitch technologies. The company continues to file further patent applications in the US, Malaysia, Thailand and Europe.

“The receipt of these further patents for our CoalSwitch product is a positive step forward for AEG, creating a larger, more secure market for this innovative biofuel,” said Michael Rowan, CEO of AEG.

“We look forward to continuing to develop the patent portfolio for the company and to expanding outside Canada and the US.”

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