
ADBA gives update on UK anaerobic digestion sector

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Chris Huhne, chairman of the Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association (ADBA) told Bioenergy Insight about its work, challenges and the progress that is possible.
Northern Ireland (NI) is the “best-placed part of the UK to produce the most biogas and biomethane,” Huhne told Bioenergy Insight. It has the potential of 80% of its gas demand being met in this way.
“The gas grid is relatively small in NI, so biogas can meet a high proportion of what is needed. NI has the third highest electrical capacity of any UK region at 51.39 MWe but disappointingly, it ranks 11th out of 12 for biomethane-to-grid injection,” he explained.
NI’s production capacity for biomethane remains low, and the nation provides little support for biomethane production.
Not only that, but green gas injection into the grid is not currently permitted.
“However, work is underway to fix that,” Huhne observed, as NI’s gas networks are adopting a “strategic approach to enabling biomethane injection from as early as next year.”
These two factors combined mean that “the only support for biomethane would be through the UK’s RTFO, and this...

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