
AD firm ReFood launches charity campaign to help the homeless over Christmas

UK food waste recycler ReFood has launched a campaign to reduce business food waste and donate money to homeless charities for the busy Christmas food retail period.

Last year’s campaign raised £4,000 (€4,750) for the company’s chosen charities and diverted an additional 192 tonnes of waste food away from landfill.

This year’s project will see donations made to homeless charities for every new bin collection signed up during November, December, and January.

The charities involved in the initiative all work with homeless, vulnerable people, an issue that comes into particular focus around Christmas.

Leeds-based St George’s Crypt, Manchester charity Barnabus, independent Liverpool-based charity The Whitechapel Centre, SHP in Dagenham, and Sheffield’s Sunday Centre will all receive financial support from the campaign.

“This campaign highlights two important issues over the festive period: homelessness and wastefulness. We were delighted that last year’s campaign could support the vital work these charities do, whilst promoting an important message about diverting waste food from landfill,” Philip Simpson, commercial director at ReFood, said.

“With the 2016 festive period just around the corner, we’re confident that this year’s campaign will be a similar success. We’d encourage all businesses involved in the food supply chain to think about their waste strategy and recycle any waste food. This campaign serves to highlight that.”

Over last year’s busy winter months, ReFood provided waste collection services to a total of 2,566 new businesses.

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