
Acorn Bioenergy will “make sure” concerns about Scotland biogas plant are addressed

Acorn Bionergy, the firm behind strongly opposed proposals for a £25m (€28m) biogas plant in Easter Ross, Scotland, said it would address objectors' concerns.
The company intends to build an anaerobic digestion plant (ADP) on a 7.5-hectare site at Fearn Airfield, near Balintore to produce "clean, green biogas" using crops and by-products from local farms and distilleries.
The application has been filed with Highland Council, prompting about 100 objections and triggering public meetings and calls from local councillors for more details on the number of heavy goods vehicles (HGV) trips that would be necessitated.
Objectors gathering at Balintore Harbour to oppose the plans warned of severe economic, environmental and social impacts claiming the farming, tourism and hospitality sectors would all affected.
They are opposed to prime agricultural land being used to feed the plant which Acorn said will offer local farmers a new, long-term source of income, selling feedstock, such as "energy crops", silages, straw and waste inputs, including manures, to be used in the plant’s digestion tanks, along with draff and pot ale from local distilleries.
“We are aware of the concerns being expressed by a number of local people and will make sure these are addressed during the ongoing planning process,” said Acorn Bioenergy.

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