
A SURE thing

The Sustainable Resources Verifications Scheme (SURE) enables economic operators to prove sustainable use of biomass in electricity and heat production.

SURE is a voluntary certification scheme which seeks recognition by the European Commission and by the competent authorities in the member states.

A certification scheme tailor-made for RED II

From the Kyoto Protocol to the Paris Agreement, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions has been defined as a primary goal for the international community nowadays. To address the issue, policies supporting the use of renewable energy have been introduced in many parts of the world, with sustainability emerging as crucial aspect.

The European Commission has revised the Renewable Energy Directive 2018/2001 (RED II) to further develop the regulations on the sustainable and climate-friendly production of bioenergy from all types of biomass. Under the recast RED II, mandatory sustainability criteria have been introduced for economic operators receiving support for the production of electricity or heating and cooling from biomass and...

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