
A helping hand with biogas upgrading

Stephen McCulloch of DMT Environmental Technology explains how the company’s new service can support businesses with biogas upgrading projects

Could you tell our readers about yourself and your role at DMT?

With more than a decade’s experience in the biogas industry, I have a solid track record in delivering pioneering gas-to-grid projects. Areas of particular expertise include technology identification, the biomethane fuel supply chain and understanding the financial viability of major projects.

This, alongside my continued work with industry influencers and the government, has helped to create a successful infrastructure for the biomethane to grid market. I was appointed UK business director for DMT Environmental Technology in 2017 and currently, I’m working on our Total Solutions Provider concept, alongside a project for delivery in Scotland in 2020. In the future, I’m looking forward to expanding our portfolio with projects across the globe.

Could you explain the process of biogas upgrading?

Biogas is produced by degrading waste...

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