
​Denmark’s largest power station selects wood pellets over coal to produce energy

Denmark’s largest power station Avedøre is now producing energy from wood pellets instead of coal.

This is a major step towards Copenhagen's goal of being CO2-neutral by 2025.

For the past 18 months, Avedøre Power Station has been converting its coal-fired power station unit, and the entire CHP plant is now able to produce electricity and heat based on wood pellets and straw, rather than coal and gas.

"Following the conversion of unit one at Avedøre Power Station, we can produce heat for more than 215,000 Danish households in the Greater Copenhagen area without using coal or gas,” said Thomas Dalsgaard, executive VP in Dong Energy.

He added: “The conversion is a major contribution to achieving a green district heating system in the Greater Copenhagen area as well as a green electricity system, supplementing solar and wind power.”

Climate targets

The conversion – part of a heat agreement between the Danish energy companies 'Vestegnens Kraftvarmeselskab' (VEKS) and Dong Energy – aims to provide green district heating to VEKS' customers in the Greater Copenhagen area. The change from coal to sustainable wood pellets also contributes significantly to the city's climate targets.

“Avedøre Power Station expects to reduce its CO2 emissions by about 500,000 tonnes CO2 per year, equivalent to the annual emissions from 255,000 cars.

"Choosing the right levers to curb the ongoing CO2 emissions and thereby global warming is a complex task. However, using biomass at Avedøre Power Station's two units is a huge step towards achieving VEKS' goal of supplying fossil fuel-free district heating in 2025. We’ve made a difference," said Steen Christiansen, chairman of VEKS.

Wind and biomass

Dong Energy has reduced its coal consumption by 74% since 2006 by using more wind and biomass, and the trend is continuing. Studstrup Power Station, near Aarhus, made the transition from coal in October, and now its Avedøre Power Station's turn.

"We’re reducing our annual coal consumption at Avedøre Power Station by around 160,000 tonnes. This is very good for the climate and in line with the conversion of our power stations, which has been ongoing for several years," said Thomas Dalsgaard.

Avedøre Power Station is expected to produce district heating based on biomass to approximately 215,000 Danish homes in Copenhagen as well as electricity corresponding to the annual consumption of more than 600,000 Danish households annually.


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