Apr 7, 2023
Looking at sustainable alternatives
Mar 31, 2023
Remco Krul, marketing & communications manager at Nordsol, explained the company’s Bio-LNG installations, and how biogas producers can tap into this profitability potential as CHP permits expire. The main components in biogas are methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). To produce bio-LNG, the methane in the biogas is separated from the carbon dioxide and contaminants... [Read More]

Mar 27, 2023
The World Biogas Summit and Expo takes place at Birmingham NEC on 29 & 30 March. Charlotte Morton OBE, the association's chief executive, spoke to Bioenergy Insight about the WBA’s journey so far, and some new initiatives it is planning. It seems that the time has never been more ripe for a boom in biogas. Bioenergy Insight asked Morton what she felt the business... [Read More]

Mar 10, 2023
Sumitomo SHI FW (SFW) is a global provider of solutions and services that drive the decarbonisation of energy. Timo Aspelin, director TMU Service Asia, and Ilkka Koskinen, director LTSA at SFW, tell Bioenergy Insight more about the company’s work. The company’s solutions include converting energy from biomass and waste, long duration energy storage, the recycling... [Read More]

Mar 3, 2023
Bioenergy Insight hears from Gaz Réseau Distribution France (GRDF), responsible for the largest gas distribution network in Europe, about the steps it is making in enacting the energy transition. Established in 2007, GRDF designs, builds, operates and maintains the largest gas distribution network in Europe. With 200,000 km of network across more than 9,500 French municipalities,... [Read More]

Feb 22, 2023
Choosing the correct material for your AD tanks demands longer-term thinking, writes Jonathan Smith of Balmoral Tanks. The finer details of tank material selection for anaerobic digester tanks can result in longer-term performance risks should you get it wrong. The challenge is what you think you know versus what you really should know. If we start with the generic position... [Read More]

Feb 17, 2023
Jeremy Moorhouse, energy analyst at the International Energy Agency (IEA) spoke to Bioenergy Insight to unpick what the World Energy Outlook 2022 report means for bioenergy. It is predicted that we will see an 85% acceleration in renewable electricity from 2022-2027, according to the International Energy Agency’s report, which is 30% higher than forecast in its last... [Read More]

Feb 10, 2023
Colin Ley analyses what 2023 might have in store for the European bioenergy sector, with thoughts from Christian Rakos, president of the World Bioenergy Association. The urgency surrounding energy provision in Europe as we embark on 2023 should be driving the bioenergy sector forward at pace. Instead, there appears to be growing frustration across the industry at the... [Read More]

Jan 31, 2023
bp’s Energy Outlook 2023 emphasises that the disruptions to Russian energy supplies seem likely to have a lasting impact on the energy system. Its report focuses on three main scenarios, which it describes as Accelerated, Net Zero and New Momentum. Accelerated and Net Zero explore how different elements of the energy system might change in order to achieve a substantial... [Read More]

Jan 30, 2023
Our new regular column from Bioenergy Europe begins with Manolis Karampinis, business development & membership director at Bioenergy Europe and manager, European Pellet Council (EPC) giving an outlook on this year’s pellets market. 2022 was an extraordinary year for the pellet industry and – as it seems – the start of a turbulent period that will probably... [Read More]

Jan 20, 2023
The steel manufacturing industry is one of the largest and most important industrial sectors in the world. However, it is also one of the most energy-intensive and highest coal-consuming industries, which has a significant impact on global CO2 emissions. One of the aims of the F-CUBED project is to convert paper sludge into an energy carrier suitable to be used as an injectant... [Read More]

Jan 17, 2023
The European Biogas Association has released its 2022 Activity Report. It outlined one of its most significant achievements as launching the Biomethane Industrial Partnership (BIP) at October's European Biogas Conference. The BIP began with a call in December 2021 for a public-private sector partnership for biomethane deployment. It aims to support the achievement of... [Read More]

Jan 16, 2023
Ländwarme, a leading biomethane supplier, service provider and trader in Europe, told Bioenergy Insight about the importance of Carbon Capture and Storage. "On our way to halt climate change, negative emissions are a crucial component. Therefore, we cannot forgo technologies such as Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) — used most efficiently in combination with bioenergy... [Read More]

Jan 9, 2023
Bioenergy Europe explains the new documentation for ENplus® — the quality certification scheme for wood pellets that certifies the entire supply chain, from the early stages of production to the delivery process The world-leading certification scheme for wood pellet quality, ENplus®, has published new documentation, which brings in enhanced procedures, an expanded... [Read More]

Jan 3, 2023
Chris Huhne, chairman of the Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association (ADBA) told Bioenergy Insight about its work, challenges and the progress that is possible. Northern Ireland (NI) is the “best-placed part of the UK to produce the most biogas and biomethane,” Huhne told Bioenergy Insight. It has the potential of 80% of its gas demand being met in this... [Read More]

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